TSU Jumbunna Webcast Series

The TSU hosts an interactive webcast series on a topic of interest and relevance to the work of staff in AMIHS and BSF. Individuals can choose to join the event either on the web or by teleconference. See our Calendar of Events for upcoming TSU Webcast events.

Each presentation includes an opportunity to ask questions of the presenters either via the chat box or by phone. The webcast/webinar sessions are recorded for watching and listening again and certificates of attendance are provided for those who register and attend.

Using a trauma informed lens to enhance workplace relationships

Bub’s Tucker in the First 2000 Days

Tucker Yarn Up and Get Your Mob Moving

Let's Start Yarning About Genetics

Vaping is on the Rise

Replanting the Birthing Trees

Breastfeeding the Koori way

Smoking and Vaping Cessation for Pregnancy and beyond

Safe Sleep Little One

Yarning about Vaccinations with Mums and Mob: COVID-19

Supporting Aboriginal Parents and Families Who Use Substances and Alcohol

Ear Health - Hearing is everyone's business

Aboriginal School Readiness -  Deadly & Ready for Big School

Aboriginal Children's Social & Emotional Wellbeing

Parenting with Intergenerational Trauma

Maternal Mental Health Matters

Growing Strong Children, Families and Communities

Early Life: Shaping Children's Brain Development

Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Child Protection and Wellbeing

Hold my hand and guide me through

Starting Strong: The First 300 weeks

Sleeping our babies safely

Health maternal weight

Supporting and promoting breastfeeding

Social and emotional wellbeing: a holistic view

Keeping on Track . . Aboriginal Teenage Pregnancy

Sleeping Like A Baby

Listen Ear: Otitis Media

FASD: A  Preventable Disability

Weight Matters – During Pregnancy and childhood

Working with Aboriginal families who are involved in Child Protection Services

Accidental Counselling with Mindfulness and Compassion . . Looking After The Mob and Me

Supporting Aboriginal women with Anxiety and Depression

Awakening the "Birthing Spirit"

A-Z to literacy and beyond

Growin' Up . . My Way 10 June 2015

Women's Business . . a wee problem? 18 May 2015

Yarning About Family Violence 15 April 2015

Supporting our Koori Dads 11 March 2015

Parenting the Koori Way 11 February 2015