Living in Australia

Moving to Australia or any new country is a challenge and requires careful planning and research.

This page has links to Australian government websites with information about settling and living in Australia, as well as understanding Australian culture.

The Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship website offers information on the following topics:

Choose Australia is for people considering migrating or moving to Australia.

Settling in Australia gives practical information about what you need to do when you arrive.

Australian values The Australian Government believes that new residents should be encouraged to learn as much as they can about their new country, its heritage, language, customs, values and way of life. Applicants aged 18 years and over are required to sign a values statement when applying for selected visas. The statement requires applicants to confirm that they will respect the Australian way of life and obey the laws of Australia before being granted a visa.

Additional assistance provides further information and useful resources for those interested in the Australian Government’s settlement programs and grants.

A multicultural Australia links to resources relating to the cultural, linguistic and religious diversity of Australian society.

Further information about Australian citizenship can be found on the website

In Australia education is managed by each state or territory. For New South Wales the government website for education is