General Emergency Medicine Resources

Organised and Recommended by your HETI Network Directors of Training and DEMT’s!

(you need to log in to ACEM and then click the links below to access. You don’t need to be enrolled in the certificate or diploma to access these resources.)

1 - Emergency Medicine Certificate

Fantastic resource for Provisional and Stage 1 Advanced Trainees.

Includes units on:

  1. Initial emergency assessment and management
  2. Management of common ED presentations
  3. Admin and Clinical support
  4. Extra modules

2 - Emergency Medicine Diploma and Emergency Medicine Advanced Diploma

To do once the emergency medicine certificate modules are completed. (for EM Diploma) (for EM advanced Diploma)

  1. Complex ED presentations
  2. Advanced Clinical Support
  3. Advanced professional/legal ethical practice.

3 - General EM resources from ACEM

Has links to various sites, sorted by curriculum. Great for Fellowship exam prep, or general medical knowledge.

1 - Next Gen U Emergency Medicine Course

Enrol in the emergency medicine course home page (free). Scroll down and pick a module, starts off basic, but gets much more interesting. Somewhat interactive and tracks your progress.​​

2 - Academic Life in Emergency Medicine​​
Sign in (free) to ALIEMU for a series of online courses​

Click on “catalog” then chose from “air” “air pro” or capsules. American, not interactive, tracks your progress.​

3 - Emergency Medicine Cases​

Free to sign up, pick a topic, then listen to the podcast and do the related quiz.​

4 -  EMUGs - The POCUS Passport​

1 - Red Flag Modules.

Good review of incidents. Not interactive, but losts of case information and some questions.​

2 - Procedures​​A series of great videos on various procedures.​

3 - On the job teaching resources​

4 - Ultrasound

UTEC modules – these cover physics/ eFAST, AAA, lung, basic echo​

5 - The “top 20 sites you must visit” ​​

Click on access resource and scroll down to “diagnosis and management of acute respiratory failure” or “diagnosis and management of shock”.